He was bred to be a true "beef bull." He is deep, thick, full fleshing on southern fescue, and with a solid foot that has never been trimmed. Dying early, his maternal background never brought much attention, but her progeny testifies to her completeness. Proven by his own calves, he is a bull any cattleman can depend on for a return in investement. He now works hard on the farm, doing what a herb bull should do: Breeding cows.
Pleasant Valley Surplus 2229
“Plus” is the bull that will give any herd more than the average can deliver. Long, deep, pleasing to the eye, and fertile semen are among the many qualities he encompasses. His growth numbers are substantiated by the fact that he weighed 1320 lbs. at only a year without the push that most sires get for this kind of development. He exemplifies maternal values with a high $M sire and a mom whose jaw-dropping looks put her in the same class as her full sister (Exeplify’s dam). From the top down, one will notice a large load supported by fault free feet. Visit his pen today, for he’s the bull that will turn heads and continue to add surplus to your next calf crop. Semen- $40/straw